My Dad

So last year I thought about doing this and this year I thought why not. I am going to participate in Kelly's Korners 'Show Us Your Singles'. Ridiculous? Maybe, actually yes probably. But honestly I'm 26 and I wanted nothing but the absolute best for my father. He deserves to be happy. So here's a little back story. . .

My dad, is 63 and retired. He has 4 children, 9 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. He loves kids. He is loving referred to as 'pb' or papaw benny. He was married to my mother for right at 20 years or maybe a little over when she passed away. She died at the age of 46 from cancer. It honestly rocked my dad's world and he still isn't quite the same. And since then he just can't quite find a good woman for him. He loves to travel. So here is a little leap of fate. If you know of anyone who might be interested in my dad, please email me at jessicawebb01 (at) gmail (dot) com.

These are my best, most recent two pictures!. Oh and I almost forgot he lives in Western NC. But for the right match I know he would travel ;-)


Anonymous said…
What is his age range? I am forty but I prefer to date older men. I am a Psychotherapist in Arkansas and I do marriage and family counseling. I would love to get to know him better if he would like. My e-mail is Thank you for sharing your father with us.
Anonymous said…
Wow! What a crazy thing. I was just reading Kelly's posts and thought...who do I know that is mom! She is 60 and also lost her hubby (my dad) right before they were married for 20 years. He died from complications related to leukemia. She has never been the same, but she keeps plugging away. She too, loves, loves, loves to travel and be outdoors. She's pretty much given up on guys/men because they all have so much baggage, or they don't want to travel and explore the world! That is crazy that you put your dad on here. Maybe we could get them to hook up. How crazy would that be?
Shelly said…
I have a wonderful friend who is 57 and lives in No VA. She lost her husband to MS several years ago. She has 3 kids that are grown. She is one of the most fun-loving people I know. She is always up for an adventure! I would love for her to meet someone special. Western NC isn't too far from No VA...
My mom would probably kill me if she knew I was doing this, but my mom is a 60 year old hairdresser from the coastal NC. She is a fabulous mom and nana and I would love for her to find someone to spend time with.

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