Pregnancy - Week 13
What's happening with the babies this week?
Your baby is continuing to grow and mature at this point. Your baby's arms are going to begin to lengthen and be more proportioned to the rest of the body. The liver is beginning to produce bile, while the spleen is beginning to produce red blood cells. The development of your baby's brain enables him/her to use facial muscles to grimace, frown and squint. He/she may be sucking his/her thumb. Because you have begun the second trimester and most of the critical development has been completed the chance of miscarriage decreases.
How far along: 13 weeks 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: 8 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Pretty much in maternity at this point, except I can still wear some of my regular tops. I have one pair of jeans that are my absolute favorite, they are so comfy!
Stretch marks: None yet. And I'm rubbing lotion on like a mad woman! I figure I'm not going to avoid them but maybe I can scare some away.
Sleeping: I find I'm starting to sleep a little more peacefully at night. I still get up like twice a night to pee but I feel like I fall asleep easier and stay asleep longer.
Best moment last week:Spending time with our family and friends for Thanksgiving. It was wonderful to have so much to feel thankful for this year.
Symptoms: Moodiness!! I can go from happy and joyful to mad or crying in about the blink of an eye and over the stupidest stuff. Still pretty tired all the time. I'm also still having small waves of nausea but nothing terrible.
Food cravings: I crave food in general, but I still love my OJ in the morning and also I'm in love with chocolate milk right now.
Food aversions: Just bacon
Gender: We go New Year's EVE to find our the sexes. I still think boy/girl and Dalyn still thinks girls. We've had a lot more people tell us boys over the past week or so.
I miss: nothing really. I don't know that I could be more happier with life!!
What I am looking forward to: I'm so excited about finding out the sexes I could care less if we just skipped right on by Christmas. So I would have to say I'm more looking forward to what they are!!
Body Changes: My body is changing almost daily it seems like. I had lots of mixed reactions from family/friends. Some thought I looked smaller, some bigger but everyone was excited to see the belly! The doctor also told me yesterday that apparently my uterus has moved and is sitting right over my pelvic bone which is causing me a great deal of discomfort. He said its not unusual to get use to it! I'm also having what he called round ligament pain and yes its as uncomfortable as it sounds. He said in a single pregnancy most women wouldn't experience this until later but with two it happens a lot earlier.