My recent absence. . .
So I know all you wonderful blog followers are wondering what's happened to me. I'm still around and busy as ever. So I must finally admit the main reason I haven't been blogging. I'm the worst at keeping big secrets. I do good at keeping other people's secrets but terrible at keeping my own. So I find the less I say the easier it is. Well obviously, with blogging its not easy to say less so I just haven't been blogging but now is time for me to come back and keep everyone updated on the Webb's. And so I know your saying, "What's the big secret?" After much anticipation here it is . . . . . . . . . . . .
Yes, we are pregnant but I guess that's not the biggest news of all!!!
Yep, you guessed it!! TWINS!!!!
We have been blessed with two amazing little miracles. Words cannot even describe the feelings we've had over the past few weeks. We waited for a while to tell anyone because of our emotional roller-coaster last time. This was our first ultrasound at 6 wks 4 days. We've had one other one since then, yesterday, which was 8 wks 4 days. Both babies are growing perfectly and we've got to see and hear their heartbeats twice now. Its hard to describe how absolutely blessed we feel and how much love we already feel for these two babies. It gets me all teary eyed every time I think about how much love I have for them already. So that's all for now, stay tuned I'm gonna get a post up on both appts and how I'm feeling at 9 wks. I also want to get a post up of how we told all our families!! As always, please continue to pray for us and these two tiny little miracles!